The Canadian Justice Review Board (CJRB) is a not-for-profit corporation. Letters Patent were granted to the founding members June 12, 2003 and notice thereof published by Corporations Canada in the Canada Corporations Bulletin and the Canada Gazette July 25, 2003 with articles of continuance under section 211 of the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act.
The CJRB seeks to promote high standards of practice by all members of the legal profession by identifying those who behave in questionable ways or in ways which are publicly perceived to cast the administration of justice into disrepute. The CJRB provides a public forum in which its members and supporters can express their views and concerns. Your support helps to re-establish the integrity of the courts and to affirm the principle that courts are not self-created organizations with unlimited powers. The courts are institutions created by the people of Canada through their elected representatives for the purpose of protecting Canadians with judicial decisions made according to the rules of law which have been laid down for the courts and not according to arbitrary, unreasonable or inconsistent rules made by the courts themselves.
The directors of the Canadian Justice Review Board come from various walks of life and occupations. We represent a broad range of Canadians who are concerned about the state of the justice system.